The Pod Files - Sunday December 25 2022 (yep, Christmas night again)


The ‘casts -

(Notes spoken to Siri, and edited later if I remember)

12 Ghosts - (0:26) episode 3: December 16 2022: The Mirror “A little sprig of mistletoe; a farewell written in acid; a tireless search for the coldest of comforts. Featuring the voices of Malcolm McDowell, Gina Rickicki, and Nicholas Tecosky. Written by Steven Williams.” 

The Lost Christmas Podcast - (0:29) November 19 2022: The movie recommendation is The Family Man. TV recommendation is Alfred Hitchcock presents Back For Christmas. Book recommendation is Nicholas Saint North and the battle of the Nightmare King. After this Geoff then goes into the main topic which is Saint Nicholas of Myra. Patron saint of so much! Have I got the episodes mixed up, because following this is part two of the section in The lost Years of Santa Claus about how people on earth know him under different names. Part one was two episodes ago in my listening. Anyway, still a bloody great show! Bring on the book’s release. 

Daily Dad Jokes - (0:06) December 23 2022 

Christmas Stories Daily - (0:17) December 11 2022: Nobody’s Story by Charles Dickens 

Merriam Webster’s Word of The Day - (0:02) December 25 2022: nativity 

Undiscovered Entrepreneur - (0:02) December 25 2022: Christmas message 

Christmas Old Time Radio - (0:30) December 6 2015: Jack Benny Show Last Moment Christmas Shopping 12-21-47 (promoted by Lucky Strike cigarettes - hmm, those were the days). 

Daily Dad Jokes - (0:09) December 23 2022 

Composer’s Datebook- (0:02) December 23 2022: Humperdinck's "Into the Woods?"

Daily Shower Thoughts - (0:05) December 22 2022 

Christmas Stories daily - (0:05) December 11 2022: Chirstmas Omnipresent by Leigh Hunt

Beauty Unlocked - (0:08) December 12 2022: Frightful Christmas - Blood Dreams “ Welcome, my love buckets! It's that time again! I'm bringing you the next installment of short creepy stories. Do you know what the worst part is? That these stories happened to real people just like you and me. Saying that, make sure to lock all your doors and windows. Grab a nice warm blanket and your favorite hot beverage. Switch off your lights and listen to these spine-chilling tales. Listener Discretion is advised.” That photo story is creepy as hell. The guy mentioned is terrible. 

Christmas Past - (0:09) December 25 2022: nice bit of Brian chatting with his son Dash at the beginning. This episode looks back on what Christmas was like this year for people. It also sees Brian telling us what films have come to us this year. As well as anniversaries of things. Brian has released a book based on this podcast. I love the Christmas Goose tradition, Brian. 

Elf Control -(0:03) season 4 episode 1: December 5 2022: Christmas Sale “Welcome to the first episode of Elf Control - Series 4! The North Pole, Christmas HQ where the busy little elves are busy all year round preparing for that one special day of the year. A Christmas sale is on the cards with Elphonse in need of some quick cash to fix the gamebox production line.” 

Elf Control - (0:04) season 4 episode 2: December 7 2022: North Pole Nepotism “With Grumble still not back from Christmas Island, Elphonse has his hands full.” 

Elf Control - (0:03) season 4 episode 3: December 9 2022: Computer Virus “Unexpected news for Grumble and a computer virus for Santa?” 

Elf Control -  (0:04) season 4 episode 4: December 11 2022: Optimal Credit “Elphonse acquires the means to fix the workshop machines.” 

Elf Control - (0:03) season 4 episode 5: December 13 2022: Tech Support “Despite the tech trouble, the workshop elves have been busying themselves by tooling some more traditional toys.” 

Elf Control - (0:04) season 4 episode 6: December 15 2022: Minty Fresh “Mrs Claus has caught the contagious virus from Santa; and Elphonse continues treating them with old (free!) reindeer medication, preferring to spend his new found funds on warehouse updates.” 

Elf Control - (0:04) season 4 episode 7: December 17 2022: Electric Sled “Elphonse's electric sled arrives whilst Santa and Mrs Claus's just chill.” 

Elf Control - (0:04) season 4 episode 8: December 19 2022: Christmas Party “The Elf Patrol investigate an incident and stick around for the Christmas Party.” 

Elf Control - (0:04) season 4 episode 9: December 21 2022: Troubles “The Gamebox machine is operational again, as is the fully updated sticker machine; whilst the Claus's are on the road to recovery albeit with a few bumps along the way.” 

Elf Control - (0:05) season 4 episode 10: December 23 2022: Christmas Eve “Can Doctor's order save Christmas?!” 

Christmas Stories Daily - (0:05) December 11 2022: Christmas by Leigh Hunt. 

Composer’s Datebook - (0:02) December 24 2022:  Safe passage for Rachmaninov 

Daily Shower Thoughts - (0:05) December 23 2022 

Season’s Eatings - (0:24) December 10 2021:  Glen looks at Green bean casserole. Dorcas Riley. Campbell’s recipes. 

The Gerry Anderson Podcast - (0:01) December 25 2022: teaser for pod 237 

Merriam Webster’s Word of The Day - (0:02) December 23 2022: speculate 

Composer’s Datebook - (0:02) December 25 2022: Toscanini and Vivaldi 

Christmas Stories Daily - (0:05) December 25 2022: The Legend of the Christmas Tree by Charles Dickens 


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