The Pod Files - Sunday January 29 2023


The ‘casts -

(Notes spoken to Siri, and edited later if I remember)

Bridgewater - (0:26) episode 4: August 20 2021: chapter 4 Forgotten Words “Jeremy and Vipin recruit an ally with an unusual connection, but new evidence makes it clear that the stakes are higher—and more deadly—than they first believed.” 

Daily Dad Jokes - (0:06) January 28 2023: International Lego Day

Merriam Webster’s Word of The Day - (0:02) January 29 2023: rubric 

Composer’s Datebook - (0:02) January 29 2022: Donald Shirley 

Daily Shower Thoughts - (0:05) January 27 2023

Desert Skies - (0:27) season 1 episode 5: September 5 2022: chapter 5 Stupid Little Rock Thingy “Michael Partridge was on his way to achieving everything he'd ever wanted in life, but found himself at Desert Skies instead. Mac has an idea that he thinks will help prepare Michael for his journey, but will his peculiar method result in success or disaster?” 

Our Cynic Culture - (0:30) episode 42: January 27 2023: Matt and Jason are joined by guest Anthony to look “track down and try some beers AND BOURBON  made from locally sourced ingredients from the famed producer of New England Hazy IPA's, TreeHouse!” Kentucky Common. They drank a bourbon thar tasted similar to to “dry wall,  mixed with Murphy’s?” Old Timey sweet and mild stout. 

Daily Dad Jokes - (0:06) January 29 2023 

Vintage Rock Pod - (0:06) January 28 2023: Paul looks at events and celebrity birthdays from this day in history. Today’s main topic is the charity single We Are the World by USA For Africa, the US answer to Band Aid. It was recorded on this day in 1985. Paul is joined by Dave and Holly from the What Difference Does It Make podcast. Oh, the idea of writing and recording a single for the charity was first thought up by Harry Belafonte. United Support for Africa not United States of America. “Check your egos at the door.” Huey Lewis replaced Prince. Madonna wasn’t invited. 

The Daily Quiz Show - (0:06) January 27 2023: movies, tv and celebrities 

Create Magic - (0:05) episode 154: September 8 2022: Mothman Muse “Crytpids as muses sounds pretty right to me... whatever that means.” 

Daily Shower Thoughts - (0:05) January 28 2023 

Womanica - (0:06) season 1 episode 81: September 23 2019: Hedy Lamar

When They Was Fab - (1:13) December 26 2023: starts with a Beatles message outtake. Intro music. Ed and Jon. The Mary McCartney directed documentary if these Walls could sing, which is about Abbey Road Studios, is now on Disney+. “Nothing should get in the way of a good story.” This episode sees Ed and Jon looking at the main subject of the Beatles at Christmas. First fan club Christmas record was 1963. Jelly babies. “You can mark the development of them through these records.” “Is he stoned?” A run of Christmas shows. A set called Unforgettable. Shout outs to old friends. 1965. Paul made up a mix tape for Christmas for the others in the persona of a disc jockey. Official fan club Christmas record was in two sessions. The first was from the session for Think For Yourself. The second didn’t have George there. Another attempt,  but  with them responding to sound effects. Slicing up babies. “Copyright issues.” Old brown shoe. BAORE. Johnny Rhythm. 1966 Christmas record recorded on November 25th 1965 called “Pantomime (Everywhere It’s Christmas).” “Is this Sergeant Pepper’s first record?” HMS Tremendous. Yodelling into a feast. Podgy the bear and Jasper. Felpin Mansions. Please don’t bring your banjo back (I know where it’s been). 1967 is skit based and has Christmas Time Is Here Again. “Is this Sergeant Pepper’s last record?” The last time that they would record a Christmas record together. BBC House. “I’ve got a trademark on peace.” Jam jars and revellers. Murder mystery. 1968 saw them handing studio outtakes and bits to Kenny Everett to put together. “Winchester cathedral. Their loss was our Gainsborough hill.” Hahaha. Al Aronowitz. 1969 Christmas record is mostly John and Yoko. The Beatles had split up, but keeping that a secret. The last Paul McCartney original for The Beatles. 1970 album when they were known to have split up. “Merry Crimble.” Outro. 

Daily Dad Jokes - (0:04) January 29 2023: Top jokes for the week 

Vintage Rock Pod - (0:05) January 29 2023: Paul looks at events and celebrity birthdays from this day in history. The main topic this time is the Uriah Heap lead singer David Byron, born on this day in 1947. Paul chats with the band’s Mick Box. 

The Daily Quiz Show - (0:05) January 28 2023: science 

The Corona Diaries - (1:06) episode 131: November 7 2022: Steve “H” Hogarth and Ant Short. They’re joined by guest Charlie, who drives the band Marillion around in their tour bus. SM58, sock, Nancy. Marillion like staff with 100% loveliness and 80% work attitude as opposed to the other way around. Number of people going to gigs is still down after covid. Axl Rose and sneezing. Dishwasher. “If you don’t want to die alone, then become a bus driver.” “Charlie, how far do you go?” He’s away from home for an average of 300 days per year. His first tour was Dionne Warwick. He’s also driven for David Gilmour, Lady Gaga. Status Quo. Diary - 2008. 11th of June saw birth of his and Linette’s son Emil, who they nicknamed Vibes. Pillows. Atlantic Auditorium. Equipment issues. Rare gig where all five had been happy with it. The Stranglers, B-52’s and hugging Meatloaf. Oh, no “And we’re back.” They come back with a Kremlin story from Charlie, when he smoked a spliff there. Now they do the “and we’re back.” Meatloaf sang “speedy songs with a lot of words.” Love Shack. Mariah Carey discussion. Kitten farm of a hairy-arsed ex-miner from Hucknall. Charlie getting his own back on one difficult customer getting searched. Crooncast is perfect! 

This Week In Marvel - (0:49) January 27 2023: Ryan and Lorraine. Oscar nominations. Games news. Comics news . Moon Girl going to Hollywoodland. Official podcasts. BREAK. Interview with Lorraine chatting Marvel props manager for She Hulk, Ann Foley. Communication with listeners. Sponsored by Captain America’s Sledding Shield.

The Gerry Anderson Podcast - (0:01) January 29 2023: teaser trailer for episode 

The MasterCast - (0:07) episode 34: January 30 2023: Marie is looking at the show 60 Second Science. Similar shows are Babes of Science, Story Collider, and Transistor. “This week’s music came from electronic music artist Senrall.  The song featured was “Electric Ocean.” For more from Senrall find them on soundcloud.” 

Daily Shower Thoughts - (0:05) January 29 2023 

Audio Poem of the Day - (0:04) episode 1068: January 24 2023: Maine Coast by Lillian Yvonne Bertram. 

Yes Music Podcast - (0:27) episode 562: December 16 2022: Title - Why did Yes want Trevor Horn as a producer part one? Kevin had been poorly. Chris Downes sorted Rick Wakeman out with some keyboard equipment for his tour, after Rick’s own equipment had been stolen. Chris Dale posted on this show’s Facebook about a Yes related book. Is that the same Chris Dale from The Gerry Anderson Podcast? So, on to the subject at hand. After the album Drama, the band finished in a sense, coming back as Yes after Chris Squire and Alan White had been working initially under the name of  Cinema with Trevor Rabin and Tony Kaye. It was suggested that they be called Yes. Especially as Jon Anderson got involved. They were used to Trevor as a person, and saw the work he was doing as a producer. They look specifically at the album Lexicon Of Love by ABC, which Trevor Horn produced. They are right that Trevor always gives his production work his all. 

The Slowdown - (0:05) [encore] 630: January 18 2023: Today’s poem is Don't Think by Elisa Gabbert. This episode was originally released on March 14, 2022.

Create Magic - (0:05) Episode 155: September 9 2019: Morning Moon “Just a little full moon rambling interrupted  by a giant spider sighting.” 

Womanica - (0:05) season 1 episode: September 24 2019: Lubna of Cordoba 

The Fit Flamingo - (0:30) episode 1: April 7 2021: The first episode of this show presented by Madison, Louise the wife of Bill from Bill read bad reviews. This first episode is an introduction to the show, how medicine came about or went about starting the show, own business called flamingo, and so much more about herself. “You are enough!” Madison is a certified personal trainer and nutrition coach. she has a lovely space to do the training and attritional advice from. Does that make grammatical sense? After following some dietary advice and fitness advice at college, she felt terrible and has based her advice on lessons learnt. Orphorexia.  “You are already your best self!” 

Merriam Webster’s Word of The Day - (0:02) January 30 2023: adapt 

Composer’s Datebook - (0:02) January 30 2023: Shapero goes classical 


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