The Pod Files - Sunday March 26 2023

Sunday was a difficult night, because I was really poorly for the whole shift. My head was spinning, I was choking whenever I needed to speak, and coughing up, well, that’s too much information. I think that working over the bitterly cold weekend made it so much worse. What came next was a rarity. When I woke up on Monday afternoon, I sent a message to work to let them know that I wouldn’t be in, and that I couldn’t talk without choking. As I’m writing this on Tuesday morning, other than for trips to the toilet, I haven’t gotten out bed since getting in from work on Monday morning. I may have to organise a home delivery for the weekly shop. :-( The ‘casts - (Notes spoken to Siri, and edited later if I remember) Teens Talk with Nifemi - (0:14) November 27 2022: “Stress Management 2 - In this episode we have a lovely guest speaker Niniola as she shares her experience on how she has been able to manage stress. You can check out Nini's YouTube channel: @Niniola O.” ...