The Pod Files - Saturday April 22 2023


The ‘casts -

(Notes spoken to Siri, and edited later if I remember)

Stew World Order - (0:52) episode 62: April 22 2023: this time Stew is joined by Sean from The Captioned Life. Stew mentions a recent run of X-Men comics, where there were two different things going on at the same time, that you need to read mode at the same time four, and I purchased all of those. It got very complicated knowing what to read and all of that sort of thing. on with the show itself, they are discussing the 2004 Thomas Jane starring film the punisher. Great talking point at the end. 

Daily Dad Jokes - (0:07) April 9 2023 

Merriam Webster’s Word of The Day - (0:02) April 13 2023: MacGyver 

Daily Facts - (0:07) April 2 2023 

Vintage Rock Pod - (0:04) April 8 2023: Paul looks at events and celebrity birthdays from this day in history. Today’s main topic is the famous Saturday Night Live sketch known as More a cowbell, which was televised on this day in 2000, and was based around the song Dont fear The Reaper by Blue Oyster Cult. Paul chats with th cowbell player on that original song, the drummer Albert Bouchard. 

Daily Shower Thoughts - (0:05) April 5 2023 

Composer’s Datebook - (0:02) April 1 2023: Variations on a tune by Handel

Create Magic - (0:07) episode 237: November 30 2023: Weird Delaware Brandywine Werewolf  “Heres a new short series I'm gonna be doing randomly for fun covering some weird happenings in Delaware! We're starting off with one of my favorite ghosts/ creatures of the Brandywine Valley. Stay weird friends!” 

Daily Dad Jokes -  (0:03) April 9 2023: Top 10 Jokes For The Week 

Daily Facts - (0:07) April 3 2023 

Merriam Webster’s Word of The Day - (0:02) April 13 2023: lackadaisical 

Vintage Rock Pod - (0:08) April 9 2023: Paul looks at events and celebrity birthdays from this day in history. Today’s main topic is  Bob Dylan album Nashville Skyline, released on this day in 1969. Paul chats about this with Dr Stephen Arnoff, the author of "About Man and God and Law: The Spiritual Vision of Bob Dylan" and podcast host of the show of the same name. Interesting fact that on the cover of Nashville Skyline, Bob is holding George Harrison‘s Gibson J 200 acoustic guitar. 

Daily Shower Thoughts - (0:05) April 6 2023 

Create Magic - (0:06) episode 238: December 1 2022: Snow Ball Fight “”The next double page spread for Sun and Mouse. This is one of my favorite parts of the new winter story that will be coming your way in next months Personal Folklore! Hope y'all enjoy the rambling and have the best day!” 

Composer’s Datebook - (0:02) April 2 2023: Wallingford Riegger 

Daily Dad Jokes -  (0:06) April 10 2023 

Daily Facts - (0:07) April 4 2023 

Merriam Webster’s Word of The Day - (0:02) April 15 2023: contraption 

Vintage Rock Pod - (0:05) April 11 2023: Paul looks at events and celebrity birthdays from this day in history. Today’s main topic is the album Fog On The Tyne by Lindisfarne, that hit number one on this day in the U.K. in 1972. Paul chats with the band’s Ray Laidlaw about the album. 

Composer’s Datebook - (0:02) April 3 2023: Offenbach, Wagner and Satsuma in New York 

Create Magic - (0:05)  episode 239: December 2 2022: Oscillate Reality “Just a Friday morning ramble about oscillating between realties that seam to function simultaneously forever. Enjoy the day friends!” 

Grumble Goat - (0:16) (0:16) March 27 2023: Mat hates blue apron and other delivery services that deliver food with recipes, because even to my mind that is just lazy. “Let’s grumble!” What, they only deliver one meal’s worth of ingredients and a recipe? That is stupid! 

Daily Shower Thoughts - (0:05) April 8 2023 

Daily Dad Jokes - (0:06) April 10 2023: National siblings day 

Aaron Mahnke’s Cabinet of Curiosities - (0:11) episode 50: December 13 2018: Duelling Fates “We talk a lot about unique individuals, but sometimes it's good to mention some amazing pairs. Here are a few for the Cabinet that we think you'll enjoy.” 

Atlas Obscura - (0:14) May 3 2021: The Institute of Illegal Images “A mind-tripping place where the art stands out not because of what's on them but what's in them.” 

Everything Everywhere Daily - (0:12) July 15 2020: Time Zone Oddities “Before we created time zones, every village, town, and city had their own local time. You’d set the town’s clock according to when the sun was at its highest point each day, and everything was fine. Eventually, life got faster. Trains began moving between towns and small differences in time began to cause problems. This eventually led to the creation of time zones, so we could get everyone in the world on the same page as far as what time it is.” 

Our Cynic Culture - (0:14) episode 46: 21 April 2023: Matt and Jason are joined again by Jacob. This time they are looking at wild turkey rare breed, a very special bourbon. “Join us as we track down a bottle of an export only bottle of Non-Chill Filtered (NCF) Wild Turkey Rare Breed.  And of course we have to try it side by side with an old favorite, the traditional bottle of Wild Turkey Rare Breed, which is fairly easily obtainable in the United States.” #splurge 

The Slowdown - (0:07) episode 861: April 21 2023: ‘Today’s poem is Apologia by Cherene Sherrard. In this episode, Major writes… “Today’s poem, drawn from the language of biology, contains a strong and simple message about diversity in society.”’ 

Keeping Up With The Cardassians - (1:03) episode 111: February 13 2023: Nick cannot scat! Nick, Rob and Joe. For a change from the norm they are looking at one of the Star Trek films, and this time they are looking at the incredibly divisive Star Trek into darkness, which many see as a lesser copy of the wrath of Khan. First up is general chit chat. Night Court. Sitcoms around at the moment. Joe has been watching Mike & Molly. BREAK. Joe watched the film You People. Glass Onion. Shotgun Wedding. Seth Roger talking about Marvel movies. Yes, the guy who made the dreadful film The Green Hornet. BREAK. Now onto the film. 

Womanica - (0:08) season 1 episode 115: November 8 2019: tastemakers Elizabeth David 

Grammar Girl - (0:07) episode 170: May 15 2009: swear words in text 

Daily Life Pro Tips - (0:06) April 19 2023 

Sanjida Sayz - (0:13) season 3, Episode 16: 7 April 2023: You're afraid of. “If you're afraid to do something, it shouldn't be an excuse to do it. If you don't try, you'll never know.” 

Daily Life Pro Tips - (0:06) April 20 2023 

Learning More - (0:22) episode 67: March 23 2023: “In this episode, we learn more about

numerology. Numerology is the study of

numbers and how thev affect our lives. It is

based on the idea that numbers have

inherent meanings and vibrations that can

reveal our personality traits, strengths,

weaknesses, and life path. I am joined by

Patricia Schermerhorn, a professional


Full notes for this week’s
episode of Learning More.


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