Time Off Part 2

Wednesday July 26th 2023 - I woke up with the stress of everything still there. As much as I hate it, I’m going to have to pay for the car repair, and pay with it with a credit card that isn’t mine, as mine is maxed out. We watched some episodes of New Amsterdam, Louise did great doing what she called “making things up” from what we have food wise, using my fortnightly shopping idea. As if shit wasn’t bad enough already, the fridge freezer is freezing up things in the fridge no matter what setting we put it on, so we can’t store fresh vegetables safely at the moment, which is a shame as it should be salad time now. Well, if it wasn’t pissing it down outside constantly. Still, it has saved on watering the plants. We spent some lovely time outside on the back garden, which was so nice. That’s been a great thing about moving to a house - we have a garden, even though we have left it to nature for the most part. However, leaving it to nature means that we’re getting...