Time off


Tuesday May 28 2024 

We watched both Gogglebox and episode 5 of A Gentleman In Moscow.

I listened to some podcasts while doing some chores (see separate post entitled Time Off Podcast Listening). 

More research on the British and American charts of June 1964 for Toppermost of the Poppermost.

For dinner Louise made a great chippy tea. She also made some delicious homemade Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream. 

About two hours was spent recording the last bits for the main work on June 1964 for the Toppermost of the Poppermost podcast. Ed and Kit have a special bit to record with a guest coming up, that I won’t be around for due to me being at work while they are doing that.

Wednesday May 29 2024

We started our viewing by watching episodes 6 and 7 of Gentleman in Moscow. This was followed by episode 3 of Frog and Toad, which included the two stories (1). Spring & (2) Dragons and Giants

Podcast listening while out doing bits - shopping and the laundrette.  

We had delicious hotdogs for dinner, which were based around a wonderful meatless variety from Plant Chef. 

We watched the eighth and final episode of A Gentleman in Moscow. It did not disappoint in any way! That is an absolutely superb series. The writing, direction, acting, sets, and everything were first rate. It is my favourite show that has come out so far this year, and it’s a tough year considering that Shogun is also superb so far! We have watched six or seven episodes of Shogun I believe.

Back to A Gentleman In Moscow… Ewan McGregor is an exceptional actor and, dare I say, that I can see the lineage between him and his uncle Denis Lawson in their acting, as Ewan reminds me of how great a presence Denis is in television, film and on stage when I have seen his performances. They both have a certain delivery that brings an emotional voice and look to a part - they say so much with mannerisms and looks, as well as with the dialogue. 

A Gentleman In Moscow is available on Paramount Plus. 

We watched episode 4 of Frog and Toad with the two stories (1) The Garden, and (2) A Cake. We then followed that up with episode 5, which had the stories (1) The Kite, and (2) Lost. 

we both worked on putting together the list for the big fortnightly shop. 

Before going to sleep we watched Secrets of the Octopus episode 1 - Shapeshifters, and started on episode 2 - Masterminds. This is a series on Disney+ . 

Thursday May 30 2024 -

Back to work… 

I didn’t really do too much on Thursday before my night shift. I actually had trouble settling on Wednesday night, eventually drifting off to sleep at around six in the morning I think. 

Then I woke up at about twenty past eleven. 

I looked at some podcast bits, including starting on the rough edit for the Toppermost of the Poppermost episode June 1964 Side B. 

I tried to grab more sleep, but only managed about forty five minutes more. 


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