Monday March 28 2022

Monday March 28, 2022 - The Blurb - What happened on Monday then? I got home for about seven? However it was another rubbish sleep, which is becoming too normal for my liking. During a couple of times in the day I managed to grab about three hours of sleep, but somehow made it through the night shift on Monday night. Luckily the shift on Monday was relatively steady. I got home for 9:20am on Tuesday from the Monday night shift, after leaving home before 6pm. The ‘casts - (Notes spoken to Siri, and edited later if I remember)! The Gerry Anderson Podcast - (1:28) pod 198: March 28 2022: intro. Chat between presenters Jamie and Richard. Fab fact - Starfleet complimented by Gerry himself. I really enjoyed the show personally. Listener’s feedback. News. Listener’s feedback. Part three of Jamie’s interview with graphic designer Malcolm Garrett. Listener’s feedback. Randomiser - Chris looks at Rat Trap from New Captain Scarlett. Chat. Outro. Post show banter - a...