Days Four To Six Of Nine Days Off

Friday June 24th, 2022 - Awake again at 4:30am, and I couldn’t get back to sleep. Because of this I made drinks for both of us for 5:30am, knowing that I’m going to be so tired later. I actually don’t have any recording planned for today, unlike the two guest spots I am booked for on Saturday evening/night. Planted a campanula plant in the garden, and watered everywhere. So happy that I arranged another chat today, this time with the great Ken Sweeney, who is the presenter of The Comfortable Spot, who co-presents the show Lidia’s Booktastic Podcast with his daughter Lidia, and is a producer for many podcasts. At present that means that at the moment after my time off, I have just three “standard” episodes and the four group chat shows to record, and then that would be the 16 episodes of season six complete. That means that I will have nine episodes recorded, with episode one coming out this Sunday (June 26 2022). We went to town in the day, where Louise go...