Time Off - Tues/Wed 2-3 July 2024


I had a stomach bug for the whole time that I was off, and actually still had it when I went back to work on Thursday. 

We watched an episode of Gogglebox. 

We watched the first episode of the original series of Frasier, for what I don’t think is our first time viewing it. 

late at night I had a chat with Ed and Kit, with reference to a guest myself and Ed are chatting with on Wednesday. Unfortunately Kit can’t join us for the chat, as she is going away for an Independence Day holiday with her parents. 

We finished our chat after three o’clock, and I went to sleep ant about 4:30am on Tuesday night, and woke at about a quarter past eight on Wednesday morning. 

I watched episodes 5 and 6 of Star Wars The Acolyte. 

we both watched the film Young Again starring Keanu Reeves, Lindsay Wagner, and Robert Urich. 

Myself and Ed recorded a special interview with a surprise guest. Watch this space, as there are more to come, with the full interviews in question going to a Toppermost of the Poppermost Patreon page, alongside other bits and pieces. 

We watched Frog and Toad season 1 episode 9 Christmas Eve 

We watched Frog and Toad season 2 episode 1 - Frog and toad and Stick / Spring Cleaning. Episode 2 - The Present / Down The Hill. 

I can’t remember what else we did.  I know that Wednesday night saw me in a bad way, constantly going to the toilet, and I got very little sleep again as a consequence. All told, I probably got a total of seven or eight hours of sleep over three days. 


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