Monday September 27 2021

Monday September 27th 2021 The Blurb - After the 15 hour slog of Sunday night’s shift, I got to sleep at around 9am and woke at 3:30pm. We looked at some properties to hopefully book some viewings, because time is running out, despite the fact that money is also not an easy thing to get hold of at the moment. Work went relatively well, and I listened to some top podcasts. The ‘casts - My Guest List Pod - (0:57) S2 #14 Bonus Episode: September 23rd 2021: Darren is chatting with YouTuber, Blogger, Actor, Musician Imari Reynolds. He gives a countdown of his ten favourite albums. Darren suggests using The Delta Flyers - (0:47) S2 e17: December 7th 2020: Garrett & Robbie are looking at the Star Trek Voyager episode Dreadnought. They discuss changes to health issues on sets these days. Written by Gary Holland and directed by Levar Burton. Nancy Hauer & Raphael S’Barge. The eye of the bun. “The Delta Quadrant Deception”. Towards the end when they...