Saturday October 30 2021
Saturday October 30th 2021 The Blurb - Better sleep than usual I suppose, probably around five hours all in. Still trying to sort stuff out. Work from 5pm to 5am including the clocks going back an hour, so we are now out of BST (British Summer Time), and are into GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). The ‘casts - (Notes spoken to Siri, and edited later if I remember)! We Were On a Break - (0:34) episode 39: May 5th 2021: Geraldine and Chris. Geraldine has been out for a trip with her “lame” younger sisters to the zoo. Real sex is nothing like the movies. “How many divorces have been caused by Fifty Shades Of Grey”? It’s not easy to find the time time to get together. Intimacy without sex works. Face The Music: An Electric Light Orchestra Podcast - (0:10) episode 043: January 26 2019: Wric and Eric are looking at the song Waterfall from the album Face The Music. Song snippet. “What’s that song all about?” Chatter. Archive - interview with Bev Bevan. “What does Madeline think?” Th...