Tuesday March 30th 2021

Tuesday March 30th 2021... Got in late again, around 8:20am. I left the office at around 8, parked up between five past and ten past, and then used walking to get money from the cash machine as an excuse to finish listening to a podcast I’d started listening to! It’s taking over... It’s all about getting those shows listened to, because once again I’m thinking of how I’ve got nine days off again from next Tuesday, and how I don’t listen to podcasts outside of work time for the most part. I’m using my accrued holiday time you see, because if I don’t use it then I will lose it. Someone at work told me that staff returning from being on furlough also have to use their holidays up, to which I said “they’ve just had lots of time off already!” That’s bloody cheeky if you ask me! I wish I had all the time off with pay that they’ve had! Look at what I’ve done while working nigh on seventy hours a week at work. I’ve still got two episodes per week of my podcast coming out. Now, I don...