Sunday May 30 2021

Sunday May the 30th, 2021 - The blurb - Another not so good sleep. Too much on my mind... I got in at around 5:30 I believe, and was in bed before 6:30. I fell asleep at around 10am I think, and woke at 3:30pm. Between 4 and 4:30 I finished editing episode one of season three of Pods Like Us. I just needed to use the Levelator software to level the individual sound files out, then place them back in, lower every individual sound file to avoid clipping and distortion, then save an mp3 to upload, and then while uploading add the show notes. I left Levelator doing it’s thing while I got ready for work, and finished the rest when I popped back later for a break. This will be different. I’m going to try and just listen to the shows and then paraphrase the synopsis in the descriptions. This is to see if all of the note taking is slowing me down at work, and to see if I can get more listening in, because I feel like I could listen to more and hopefully ge...