Friday July 30 2021

Friday July the 30th, 2021 - The Blurb - I got in from work at about twenty to nine, in bed for about nine, and up at half past three in the afternoon. Got up, made drinks, paid bills on a banking app, and prepared myself for another night of work. Interesting video from critic Grace Randolph about the Scarlett Johansson and Disney legal battle that also includes information about the UK government suing Netflix - Another night that was relatively steady, albeit being a night that once again dragged. I got a message from Mike at Tabletop Genesis to say that he will contact me at some point with regard to them appearing as guests on Pods Like Us, who I’ve wanted to since I started the show, because I love Genesis, and their show is great. The ‘Casts - This Week In Marvel - chaotic neutral. Benedict Cumberbatch birthday. Clip of stunt double for Scarlett Johansson. Large scale Galactus figure. Marvel’s Wastelanders Old Man Starl...