
Showing posts from August, 2021

Monday August 30 2021

  Monday August the 30th, 2021 - The Blurb - Initially I woke up at around 1pm after getting to sleep at around 9am.    After some catch up on stuff, a coffee, and breakfast, I went back to sleep at about 2 until 3:30pm I think. Started work at 5, and worked until 6am. Got a fair bit of listening in, around the phone calls and jobs.  I absolutely loved the new episode of Keeping Up With The Cardassians, where Nick, Rob & Joe spoke with actress Nana Visitor from Star Trek Deep Space Nine. I hope that Nana appears again, because everything that she said was so positive.    What a lovely person.  The ‘casts - (Notes taken by Siri - other AI’s are available). When They Was Fab - (0:59) August 30th 2021:  first Ed & Jon mention the passing of Don Everly. Announcement of what’s going to be on the Let It Be box set. Now onto the main show topic - disc two with the rest of the album proper, and the second lot of jams. Beware of Darkness. One of my...

Sunday August 29 2021

  Sunday August the 29th, 2021 - The Blurb - After if taking until nearly 9am to get to sleep, I woke up at 2pm. Breakfast and a drink, followed by finishing the new episode of Pods Like Us, where I chatted with Bobby from The Rock Guys.  It was just a case of putting the promos in place, which is still time consuming, because you have to make sure that they don’t spoil the flow of the show, whilst at the same time ensuring that you’ve aligned them correctly, which I have messed up before. Some bits to do in the night other than the usual work, but otherwise okay. Some areas were difficult signal wise, and I ended up listening to the episode of We Were On a Break using Spotify, as the version on Apple Podcasts just would not start. I had to search for that using “wwoab”, as it didn’t come up when searching “We Were On a Break”.    However, when the page came up, I noticed that changes have taken place on Spotify, as the episode list is much easier to navigate than it...

Saturday August 29 2021

  Saturday August the 28th, 2021 - The Blurb - Got up at around 2pm, show ready for tomorrow other than placement of promos. Trip to Morrison’s, and then started work at 5pm. Busy night for calls and such, and some problems on sites to report. Alarm call in the one’s that took a while to get to. I have absolutely no sites anywhere near there, which is ironic when mobile one has sites that are close, as does the rarely mentioned mobile three. Oh well, mobile two responded.  Bad signal for most of that, so no way to listen to anything but FM radio during that time. That made a change.   A quarter to five in the morning, 15 minutes before my allotted finishing time, I got an alarm call to a site, which I arrived at at 10 past five. Because of that I finished work at twenty past six. Nature of the beast  Luckily with it being a Sunday, I could park at home after work, so I got home for 6:30am.  The ‘casts - (Notes taken by Siri - other AI’s are available). Astroleag...

Friday August 27 2021

  Friday August the 27th, 2021 - The Blurb - Woke up at 3pm, when I got up and made both myself and Louise a drink, as well as getting myself some breakfast. I always ask Louise if she wants something to eat, to which a lot of the time she says she doesn’t want anything. I would of course get her something if she asked. Got some podcasts listened to, and they were all fun. I smiled when I heard the first on air kiss between Geraldine and Chris on We Were On a Break. Home for 6:30am from a 5:30pm start at work. The ‘casts - (Notes taken by Siri - other AI’s are available). Phase Zero - (1:05) episode 33 August 25th 2021: Jenna with Jamie & Jim, and Brandon coming back and forth with being at Cinemacon. Matrix 4 trailer, The Batman trailer, Dune preview. Aaron appears at 3:20. Second trailer for Eternals. Venom 2 update. Armour Wars updates. Captain America 4 update. “Cut the check!” Iron heart to appear in Black Panther 2 Wakanda Forever. The Fantastic Four bit - I saw this on a...

Thursday August 26 2021

  Thursday August the 26th, 2021 - The Blurb - Wednesday night was late getting to sleep, where we stayed up and watched some bits. We had hoped to get some chats in after the chat with Eoghan, but it wasn’t to be. When we went to bed at about 3am, we stayed awake until around 7 looking at properties. Initially I woke up at ten to two, when I turned the radio on, got drinks, and had breakfast. Louise wasn’t feeling great, and after a bit of social media stuff I cuddled up to a poorly Louise and eventually went back to sleep, until 4pm. I started work on the forthcoming episodes, with the plan of being able to get the work done. We shall see… I started the night shift at 7pm by listening to what there is for the show with Bobby from The Rock Guys, which was a re-record.  Shift was standard with not much happening. Andy called a few times from the other mobile, but I was selective about the listening to get some great shows in.  Home at twenty five to nine, to find an ambul...

Tuesday to Wednesday

  Tuesday-Wednesday August the 24th-25th, 2021 - The Blurb - I got in at eight o’clock, and had to watch the Spider-Man trailer on the tv as opposed to my iPhone. Tuesday night I recorded an episode of Pods Like Us with the guys from Sauce Spoken, which Louise ended up accidentally co-hosting with me. That was so much fun, albeit with me feeling worried, because other than group chats and a made up on the spot re-record with Bobby from The Rock Guys a few weeks ago, that’s my first of hopefully many more Pods Like Us shows being recorded. A group show was arranged on Tuesday for the Wednesday night, with a few people saying they were open to it, with us hopefully going into the subject of The Rolling Stones as a tribute to drummer Charlie Watts, who had died on Tuesday.  Me and    Louise went to a lovely place on Wednesday that had only been opened for three weeks. I had a black Americano with a chocolate fudge cake that had a Salted Caramel Buttercream on top, while...