Monday August 30 2021

Monday August the 30th, 2021 - The Blurb - Initially I woke up at around 1pm after getting to sleep at around 9am. After some catch up on stuff, a coffee, and breakfast, I went back to sleep at about 2 until 3:30pm I think. Started work at 5, and worked until 6am. Got a fair bit of listening in, around the phone calls and jobs. I absolutely loved the new episode of Keeping Up With The Cardassians, where Nick, Rob & Joe spoke with actress Nana Visitor from Star Trek Deep Space Nine. I hope that Nana appears again, because everything that she said was so positive. What a lovely person. The ‘casts - (Notes taken by Siri - other AI’s are available). When They Was Fab - (0:59) August 30th 2021: first Ed & Jon mention the passing of Don Everly. Announcement of what’s going to be on the Let It Be box set. Now onto the main show topic - disc two with the rest of the album proper, and the second lot of jams. Beware of Darkness. One of my...