
Showing posts from April, 2021

Thursday April 29 2021

  Thursday April 29th 2021 -  The blurb - We watched some more of The Killing on Disney+, and made it a relaxed day, including me getting a good soak in the bath.  Normally it’s a quick shower, because of the time thing.  It was a choice of editing Sunday’s show or a bath.    I chose the bath.    I could have done both if it was a shower, but I needed the chill. It wasn’t that chilled... There I was thinking that even on a supposed break I’ve not got a bonus episode ready.    What I should possibly do is just say “screw it”, and have a break while I release absolutely nothing at all for the next couple of weeks. There is the danger of losing listeners, but I don’t think there’s that many to lose anyway.   Crappy back-up vehicle at work without Apple CarPlay, so it was listening through the earpiece for the night.  Alarm call later on in the shift, and not a clue what set it off. Perhaps something left dangling from a ceili...

Wednesday April 28 2021

  Wednesday April 28th 2021 -   The blurb - Woke up a couple of times for some reason, and at about ten I got myself and Louise drinks and cereal, listening to BBC Radio 2 ready for Popmaster.  It basically turned into a lazy day, albeit the start of discussions with someone to guest on an episode of Pod Like Us. I also started editing another bonus episode hopefully for release this Sunday. My fingers are crossed! Great baseball game later on, midnight until 3am, with the Yankees once again playing the Orioles. Well, I caught a fair bit of it, minus my nodding off moments.  We also watched the first episode of the US series The Killing, based on the Danish television series   Forbrydelsen. I think we watched more, but I can’t remember what the shows were, other than a Snackmasters,where they were trying to recreate the Snickers bars.

Tuesday April 27 2021

  Tuesday April 27th 2021. I got in from work at about 8:30am, went to bed for a short sleep around 9am, and then woke up at about 1pm. When I got up I finished the previous blog, played some Angry Birds on my phone, and tried to play it on my laptop, only to find that it was a different Angry Birds . I know, I’m old school with my gaming, hence why we have a PlayStation 2 , and nothing newer than that console wise. I had a quick rush out into town to get a card, took it back home for Louise to write out, and then went to post it. Then I came back home and had a great chat with Pat Gaughin , known to podcasters on Instagram as “ Podcastagram ”. That’s five episodes recorded for Season Three of Pods Like Us so far, ready for it coming back in the middle of May. It was a great chat, and Pat is a really nice guy, who is incredibly honest with his opinions on podcasting, but helpful at the same time. To paraphrase from memory, he loves podcasts, and wants people to do well with the...

Monday April 26 2021

  Monday April 26th 2021 -  The blurb - Steady night at work. So much so that I think I got far too relaxed that I even watched a couple of videos in the night on YouTube called 10 Secrets of Deep Space Nine You Didn’t Know -  and a 2020 Deep Space Nine panel hosted by Wil Wheaton - During the latter video, there are beautiful tributes of the late Rene Auberjonois and Aron Eisenberg. Monday April 26th 2021 - The ‘casts - Grumble Goat (0:15)  -  Mat  hates “Oscar films”! I hate to say this, but I’ve thought for years that awards are ridiculous, because it’s always films that the film people love, and yet very few people watch them.  Veronique  is filming this week as a background actress in  Marvellous Mrs Maisel . They mention the recording for  Pods Like Us  with the fun lightning round of grumbles, or as  Mat  calls it  Grumble Thunder !  Ver...

Sunday April 25 2021

  Sunday April 25th 2021 -  The blurb - I got up at about 2:30pm, and I know that because I thought “oh, that bonus episode of my show Pods Like Us came out half an hour ago!” I finished the previous blog, posted up about that, as well as posting up about the new bonus episode of my show. I started work at five, and there were no incidents all night, which suits me, because that allowed me to get through more than eight hours of podcasts during the shift. It’s strange looking at how much listening I did, because I then think “what did I do for the other five hours of my shift? Oh, take it back... I had an alarm at the end of the shift, which meant me doing 13 and a half hours of a shift. I hadn’t expected an alarm, and put my iTunes on for it to shuffle through some songs.  Sunday April 25th 2021 - The ‘casts - The Gerry Anderson Podcast (0:38)  - special Gerry Anderson Day episode from April 14th. I don’t know, bonus episodes. People must think that I’ve nothing bet...

Saturday April 24 2021

  Saturday April 24th 2021 -  The blurb - I got up just before 12:30, which wasn’t the intention originally, but I’d woken up about fifteen to twenty minutes earlier due to the (not so) Little Drummer Boy next door going at it! *deleted naughty word* Finished my blog, posted it up, and went out to do a couple of chores, which then gave me about forty-five minutes at home before going out to work... Sod it, I’ll have a coffee and leave a little later!  Alarm straight away, which I had to respond to after I did a site lock-up. When leaving that first alarm I had a second one to go to. The shape of things to come perhaps? Second alarm I was dumbfounded until I suddenly spotted a white spider on a white motion sensor - sneaky little beggar! Nothing much happened after these, but they still held me back for the rest of the shift, especially the first distant alarm. Saturday April 24th 2021 - The ‘casts - Talk More Talk  - Tom, Kit, Ken & Joe. News at the beginning rea...

Friday April 23 2021

  Friday April 23rd 2021 -  The blurb - So I got in from work at about twenty past eight, in bed for nine, and then woke up a little before 3:30pm.   The previous two part blog took me an age to finish and post up.    I don’t know why.    Sidetracked by this and that I think. In a way I wish that I hadn’t split into two posts, because the first part has only two reads in comparison to the 14 of part two.  I started work at 6pm, and it was a slow start for podcast listening.    I started listening to the first show, This Week In Marvel, at around twenty past six, and it must have been around two hours later before I finished it, I think?  *Goes to check the photographic evidence* Wow, not bad remembering that. It was two and a quarter hours! Most of the night I was slightly worried, because the usual van has a fault in it’s onboard diagnostics for AdBlue, whereby it thinks there is less in that there is, and you get a warning t...

Thursday April 22nd 2021 part two

  Thursday April 22nd 2021 - The ‘casts - Bad Counsel/The Mindbuzz - “Dave Mojo” and audiosexuality! #clickyourbutton Tim moshing and stage diving. Gregg chatting with the Instagram account Lucifer Himself. Love Gregg’s new Canada anthem! Gill needs to post up photos of his psychohawk. Ooh, magical sound effects and other stuff. Did the production budget go up? Gregg’s Afterschool Special. Mr Hand? “The Chicago Springlebutts?” The “gateway drug” myth. Gill wants Xander to do an audio book of Jack’s childhood essay about crack! Tim - I want that Disney version of Jack’s drug bust story! Hear the ending of that story. The poem The Pimp With The Limp by Jack read by Tim. Fourteen year old Jack was an absolute f***ing Byron-esque poetry giant in waiting. Gregg - “don’t stereotype pimps!” Okay, he wasn’t fourteen when he wrote it! I feel let down now. Turdnab The Magnificent contacted! Tim in the queue at McDonald’s forgetting where he was, and telling people to “spark up and listen to ...